Monday 9 March 2015


A relatively consistent still unpredictable Bangladesh has defeated England for the second time in a row at ICC World Cup leading to a humiliating early exit for the founders of the game. It really would be very frustrating to be a fan of English Cricket. Suffering a loss is one thing, but this kind of performance is really going to hurt!  

The last time that England made it to the top four at an ICC event was way back in 1992. That is 23 years ago, more than a generation in itself. A lot about the game has changed since then. Back in the day, the game was played by the book. But now it’s more like it doesn’t matter how the runs the come as long as they come.

England has always been very stubborn where playing by natural instinct is curbed by way too many technicalities and statistics. That is where the modern day game has moved ahead, and England is far behind. Even their Board is so rigid that it wouldn’t allow their players to take part in some of the Cricket Leagues played worldwide. Being a global sport, over time each team has learnt new tricks of the trade leading to better results. To me England is that orthodox family, who doesn’t look at inter caste marriages. But unfortunately gone are those days.

Looking Ahead
Much like one of evenings in London, It looks all gloomy and dark for England. But such a stumbling defeat would definitely make them look back, analyze and change their mindset, rather than just get replacement players. England would need a revolution than a few resolutions here and there.

Just the way, India’s early exit in 2007 World Cup made the BCCI take some bold steps and revolutionize Indian Cricket. I think in the long run this embarrassing early exit would be instrumental in moving English Cricket to the next generation.

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